About Me

welcome to my carrd, everyone! you can call me 'dea / dee'. i am a seventeen years old part-timer fanartist based on indonesia. i love drawing since i was young and i decided to share my arts with all of you. so it will be nice if you like and appreciate my artworks, also it will help me when you give me some advices (in a good way). please do not re-upload or edit my artworks without my permissions. be nice and nice to meet you, friends <3
For inquiry/ask for collaborations: [email protected]
Catch me up on my social media. Thank you. :)
commission status: open.
hi, my commissions status are currently open! do check the catalogue and the price list below if you want to order. don't forget to appreciate the price-list that i have set. thank you. :)
as you can see, this style is a combination of chibi-ish and cartoon-ish with complex style; details; and lovely colors; also it took me a while to draw this. for this style, you can request me what color of the background you want. happy ordering! <3
this cute style is my version of drawing chibi character. it does not have a complex details and the colors i use are all pastel. for this style, you can request what color of the background and if you need a text/lattering, you can ask me. happy ordering! <3
Bust Up
IDR 45.000,-
Add Character: +IDR 15.000,-

Half Body
IDR 55.000,-
Add Character: +IDR 25.000,-

Full Body
IDR 70.000,-
Add Character: +IDR 30.000,-

1. Pembayaran full dengan BCA
2. Mulai pengerjaan setelah pembayaran
3. Lama pengerjaan 2-7 hari (tergantung kesulitan + antrean)
4. Harga yang tertera hanya untuk soft file (.png)
5. Hasil gambar akan dikirim melalui email (mendapat 2 gambar; background + transparant)
6. Ukuran gambar 2048 x 2048 / 2048 x 1524 pixels dengan 350 dpi
7. Revisi hanya satu kali
8. Tidak boleh cancel + hit + run!
1. Real person
2. Celebrity
3. OC
4. Cartoon Character
5. Anime Character
2. Furry
3. Mecha
4. Animal
1. Bisa menghubungi via email ([email protected]) dengan title "Commissions" atau bisa juga melalui dm Twitter/Instagram
2. Pastikan sudah membaca Terms & Conditions yang tertera di kolom kedua commissions
3. Kirim foto HD yang ingin dikerjakan
4. Jika sudah di-accept, lakukan pembayaran penuh
5. Tunggu sampai hasil jadi and I will inform you ^^
6. Last but not least, terima kasih sudah order! <3
P.S ;
1. Feel free untuk tanya-tanya melalui DM.
2. Akan diberitahu jika ada kendala dalam proses pengerjaan.